
The 2023 ERS will view shifting global interdependencies from multi-tiered global, regional, organizational, and business perspectives. These interdependencies can range from changing geo-political alliances with wide-ranging economic and supply chain impacts to daily interactions with colleagues, service providers, clients, and suppliers. The Symposium will provide a broad understanding of emerging trends that intersect with the contemporary challenges of providing corporate real estate services as well as ideas for improving the performance of our organizations.


Monday, June 5th - Tuesday, June 6th 2023


GW University, Washington, DC

Host Hotels: 
Yours Truly, DC Hotel
Washington Marriott Georgetown

Fast Facts

  • Members Only Event, 400 attendees, 50/50 End Users, and Service Providers
  • Exceptional educational program for corporate real estate professionals, young leaders, and their colleagues
  • Speakers and panelists, leaders in their fields including real estate, business, economics, and academia
  • Tours of leading-edge corporate and commercial real estate projects and developments
  • Networking Luncheon to meet up with colleagues, associates, and friends
  • Young Leader Breakfast Program created by Young Leaders, for Young Leaders
  • End User Dinner for EUs and Sponsors at a unique Washington DC venue
  • Individual ticket costs:
    • End User - $195
    • End User Young Leader/University - $125
    • Service Provider - $375
    • Service Provider Young Leader - $195
  • Faculty - $50
  • Student - $25
  • Networking Lunch Fee - $65
  • Tour Registration Fee - $50

    ERS Program Book

    View the digital program for this year's event. 

    Quick Registration Links

    Monday, June 5th
    8:00 AM - 9:30 AM:  Young Leader's Breakfast Forum 10:00 AM - 12:45 AM: Washington, DC Tour
    10:00 AM - 12:45 PM: National Landing Tour 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Networking Lunch
    10:00 AM - 12:45 PM: Capital One Tour


    Meet the Committees

    The Eastern Regional Symposium (ERS) is a multi-Chapter learning and networking event that cannot be successfully produced without the help of high-performance volunteers from the participating chapters. ERS volunteer leaders are highly engaged within their Chapter yet also work tirelessly to create and execute a well-planned and thought-provoking program that continues to be of high value to our End Users, Sponsors, and general membership. Please take a moment to see who’s involved on the Committees page!


    Touring critically acclaimed properties and host city-specific landmarks is a significant part of the ERS experience. There will be three tours to select from all happening concurrently on June 5th. Transportation and lunch will be provided. Capacity is limited so be sure to decide quickly! For more information on these opportunities, please check out the Tours page.

    Event Updates

    Host hotels have been selected and are ready to take sleeping room reservations. Please note, the host hotels don't share the same cut-off date or price. Please head over to the hotel information page to make your room reservation.

    Be on the lookout for ERS event updates - Speakers, Session Descriptions, Things to do, etc.

    2023 Sponsors